Verbalplanet Success Stories

Learn more about how we have helped users around the world bring learning a foreign language to life for business and pleasure.

Daniel Moore
Location: United Kingdom
Learning: Spanish
Classes: 23

Daniel joined Verbalplanet in January 2018 learning Spanish. Daniel's needs were quite specific as he was studying for his AQA GCSE Spanish exam in the UK. Despite getting top grades for written work and reading comprehension exercies, Daniel struggled with speaking and applying what he knew in live conversation.

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Janek Bartels
Location: Germany
Learning: Japanese
Classes: 54

Janek joined Verbalplanet in August 2018 learning Japanese. Learning a second language was second nature to Janek, having previously studied Spanish, French and Latin to level A1 (beginner) and English to C2 fluency, however Japanese proved uniquely challenging. As Janek did not have access to a native speaking teacher near where he lived, the internet became his main resource for authentic Japanese content and learning material.

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Sharyn Doherty
Location: Australia
Learning: French
Classes: 187

Sharyn joined Verbalplanet in July 2016 learning French. Initially, Sharyn decided to take French language classes in her local area but found that as a busy mum her time was becoming increasingly taken up by her children which meant she had less free time available to study away from home.

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Mike Weber
Location: Italy
Learning: Greek
Classes: 384

Mike joined Verbalplanet in April 2017 learning Greek. Having studied Classical Greek at university, Mike wanted to explore Modern Greek and improve his fluency ahead of a special trip.

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Steven Hamilton
Location: United States
Learning: Hungarian
Classes: 493

Steven joined Verbalplanet in June 2012 learning Hungarian. With Hungarian being a language with relatively few speakers, finding a native speaking Hungarian tutor close to home or work proved challenging. By choosing to learn a language online, Steven was able to remove distance or the absence of a local language teacher as a barrier to learning the language of his ancesters.

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Sean Holt
Location: Netherlands
Learning: Italian
Classes: 105

Sean joined Verbalplanet in December 2016 learning Italian. Inspired by Italian music and the spectacular scenery of Sicily, Sean challenged himself to learn the language of Dante. Whilst making great progress through self study and using language resources on the web, Sean felt his studies lacked the realism of live one to one conversation with a native Italian speaker.

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Radu Titirca
Location: Romania
Learning: Arabic
Classes: 282

Radu joined Verbalplanet in February 2018 learning Arabic. Despite already being an accomplished language learner and completing several Arabic language courses, Radu felt that his progress in learning Arabic had ground to a halt and that he needed to try something different.

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David Askill
Location: United Kingdom
Learning: Russian
Classes: 297

David joined Verbalplanet in August 2015 learning Russian. After making some progress with language apps, David felt he needed a different approach to fully devlop his listening and speaking skills.

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Ayami Hamakawa
Location: Switzerland
Learning: German
Classes: 102

Ayami joined Verbalplanet in July 2017 learning German. Living and working in a German speaking part of Switzerland meant that for Ayami it was essential to be able to converse in German at a professional level.

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John Reese
Location: New Zealand
Learning: Italian
Classes: 106

John joined Verbalplanet in October 2017 learning Italian. Whilst making some progress using traditional self study methods, John felt he needed more conversation practice to really feel confident in speaking the language.

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Ana Garcia
Location: United Kingdom
Learning: Turkish
Classes: 88

Ana joined Verbalplanet in January 2016 learning Turkish. Ana took on the challenge of learning this fascinating language as her sister had moved to Ankara in Turkey. With a work schedule which moved from week to week it was important for Ana to find a language course which offered flexibility in addition to qualified native speaking teachers.

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Keri Jolley
Location: Switzerland
Learning: German
Classes: 201

Keri joined Verbalplanet in August 2017 learning German. For Keri, attending language school night classes whilst balancing family and work commitments proved to be difficult. By moving her language studies online, Keri found the flexibility she needed whilst not compromising on the quality of her language lessons.

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Start with a trial lesson

Many of our tutors offer either a free or discounted trial class. It's a great opportunity to discuss your language goals, trial our service and get an evaluation of your language skills and abilities. Sign up to contact teachers, ask questions or request a free learning plan before booking lesson time.

Let's get you talking

We've helped thousands of students all over the world bring learning a language to life and we can help you achieve your langauge goals too. Sign up for a free trial lesson and discover a better way to learn a foreign language through live conversation and online language classes with a private language tutor.

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