Magdalena Widner : Polish
Magdalena Widner
Sessions: 5
 1 Reviews
100% Positive
£21.17 / €25.41 / $27.67
Trial: Free
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 Hello, my name is Magdalena Widner and I'm an experienced native Polish tutor currently living in Poland. I have been giving Polish lessons online with Verbalplanet since 2024. I am currently offering a free initial trial lesson for new students. 
Latest Reviews
tutor Linda L
United States
 Magda was very helpful with my introduction to the Polish language. We both need to figure out a few technical issues with Verbalplanet, but I'm looking forward to future lessons. Thank you! 
About me - English

Good morning, my name is Magda. I'm from Warsaw and lived in Italy for a long time, where I attended school. I graduated with my Master's in economics from SGH School of Business in Warsaw, Poland.

For over twenty years now, I have been living in the USA, first in California, then Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, and currently in Texas.

My passion is teaching foreign languages and exploring other cultures. As such, I always tailor my teaching to the student's unique needs. I've taught students in many different languages, each with their own goals and starting points. Some of my favorite experiences include helping an entire family who was moving to Poland for a parent's job become fully conversational in 8 weeks, or working with students and families who immigrated to the US to become conversational in English. I've also worked as an interpreter for Polish, Italian, and English-speaking business ex3cutives.

I'm excited to meet new students and help them achieve their goals!

Qualifications & Experience

I graduated in Economics from the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH).

I taught at the international Berlitz school.

I taught teenagers and families who moved to Poland due to a parent's job relocation, providing tutoring sessions tailored to their needs.

In Dallas, I teach English to newly arrived students from other countries.

Teaching Approach

After identifying the individual needs of the student, I adjust my teaching style accordingly. Depending on the requirements, from the first lesson, I can use only the target language if the goal is rapid basic communication. For those who prefer traditional learning, I introduce grammar along with vocabulary.

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About me - Polish

Dzien dobry, nazywam sie Magda. Jestem z Warszawy, mieszkalam dlugo we Wloszech, tam uczeszczalam do szkoly. Ukonczylam studia ekonomicznie na SGH.

Od ponad dwudziestu lat mieszkam w USA, najpierw w Kalifornii, potem Kolorado, Indiana, Ohio, a obecnie w Teksasie.

Moja pasja jest uczenie jezykow obcych i poznawanie innych kultur.

Dopasowuje sie zawsze do potrzeb studenta. Uczylam nastolatkow, grupowo rodzine, ktora przenosila sie do Poski ze wzgledu na prace ojca, a ojca intensywnie, codziennie. Po osmiu tygodniach, porozumiewal sie swobodnie w tym jezyku.

Jestem gotowa poznac nowych studentow, i uczyc wedlug ich indywidualnych potrzeb.

Qualifications & Experience

Ukończyłam Ekonomię w Szkole Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie.

Uczyłam w międzynarodowej szkole Berlitz.

Uczylam nastolatkow, grupowo rodzine, ktora przeprowadzala sie do Polski ze wzgledu na prace ojca, a ojca intensywnie ze względu na charakter jego pracy, udzielalam korepetycji.

W Dallas ucze angielskiego dla nowoprzyjezdnych uczniow z innych krajow.

Teaching Approach

Po rozpoznaniu indywidualnych potrzeb studenta, dopasowuje styl uczenia. W zaleznosci od wymagan, od pierwszj lekcji moge uzywac tylko uczonego jezyka,

jesli celem jest szybka mozliwosc podstawowego porozumienia sie. Jezeli osoba preferuje tradycyine uczenie, wprowadzam gramatyke wraz ze slownictwem.

Dopasuje sie do wymogow osby uczacej sie.

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About me - Italian

Mi chiamo Magda. Sono nata a Varsavia, pero' sono cresciuta in Italia.

La lingua e la cultura italiana sono la mia passione.

Desidero condividere questa mia cognizione con chiunque volesse apprezzarla e assimilarla.

Sono molto aperta e flessibile e mi adatto alle esigenze dello studente.

Qualifications & Experience

Mi sono laureata in economia presso la Scuola di Commercio a Varsavia (SGH).

Ho fatto interpretariato per la Camera di Commercio Italo-Polacca a Varsavia.

Ho insegnato alla Berlitz, a gruppi o persone singole. Mi ricordo una famiglia, che si trasferiva in Polonia, per il lavoro del padre.

Ho seguito questo ingegnere intensivamente e, dopo 8 settimane, si trasferiva in Polonia,con la capacita' di comunicare facilmente.

Ho impartito lezioni private.

Insegno inglese a ragazzi stranieri, di varie eta', che si sono trasferiti negli USA.

Teaching Approach

Mi adatto completamente alle esigenze dello studente. Per essere in grado di poter comunicare in modo basilare, posso usare esclusivamente la lingua in oggetto, dalla prima lezione. Qualora si preferisse un medodo piu' tradizionale, coniughero' la grammatica alla lingua parlata.

Preparo le lezioni in tal modo che lo studente ottenga il massimo delle sue richieste.

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