Celine . : German
Celine .
Sessions: 3900
 222 Reviews
100% Positive
£46.68 / €55.23 / $60.15
Trial: 50% Off
 Hello, my name is Celine . and I'm an experienced native German tutor currently living in Germany. I have been giving German lessons online with Verbalplanet since 2010. I am currently offering a discounted initial trial lesson at 50% off my normal lesson price for new students. 
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Latest Reviews
tutor Gloria O
 wir haben grammatik gemacht und auch Konversation gemacht, es hat mir sehr gut gefallen, danke Celine!! 
tutor Gloria O
 Sehr gut Zeit mit Celine, danke schon 
tutor brunomelo
 Great lesson, great explanations  
tutor JBurns1111
 Excellent teacher. I really appreciate the way Celine is flexible, customising the lessons to focus on whichever weak point for maximum benefit. Thanks! 
tutor Clairespedding
 Celine is an excellent tutor. She was very patient with me as I really struggle with German 
tutor sachinJD
 Sehr Interessant !! Danke Celine. Celine has a wonderful way to make the lessons interesting and easy to understand. Great lessons, very informative. 
  Read all (222) reviews
About me - English

What makes me stand out is that I have learned how the CIA and FBI teach languages. It is quick, effective, easy and it works like no other system. And now I can help you reach more proficiency effectively so that you learn English with joy and confidence.

I am a tutor and translator. All my life I have studied several languages including French, Japanese and Spanish. I am a native German and have lived in Los Angeles and New York for many years now where I pursue acting.

I'm also the author of Learn German Like An FBI Agent

Qualifications & Experience

Exceptional skills in teaching, English and German.

Knowledge and application of the language teaching system applied by top rated governmental agencies. When you learn with me you will understand how it's possible for agents to learn 5 or more languages with little accent.

I have tutored for more than 20 years now with innumerable happy and successful students.

Teaching Approach

The key to learning a language quickly is to manipulate it and to have the learner say (and write) many sentences. Manipulation means in this case to use the same words in different sentences.

This way of learning makes the learner produce the words instantly out of his own mind (as opposed to a book or another outside source) therefore creating the new neural pathways.

We can work at a quick pace because the more sentences you produce the better you will retain the new information.

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About me - German

Ich bin Deutsche und benutze das System, das von CIA und FBI angewandt wird.

Autorin von Learn German Like An FBI Agent

Qualifications & Experience

Ich gebe seit über 20 Jahren Privatunterricht und habe unzählige glückliche und erfolgreiche Studenten.

Ich wende das Sprachsystem der Geheimagenturen an.

Teaching Approach

Der Schlüssel zum schnellen Erlernen einer Sprache ist, die Sprache zu manipulieren und den Studenten viele Sätze sagen (und schreiben) zu lassen. Manipulation bedeutet in diesem Fall, die gleichen Wörter in unterschiedlichen Sätzen anzuwenden.

Durch diese Art des Lernens produziert der Student viele Wörter aus seinem Kopf heraus (im Gegensatz zu: aus einem Buch heraus). Durch die Anwendung werden die neuralen Gehirnzellenverknüpfungen geschaffen. Es ist uns möglich recht schnell zu arbeiten, denn umso mehr Sätze du produzierst, umso besser behältst du sie dir. Ausserdem fängst Du an wie ein Muttersprachler zu denken.

Jeder der eine erste Sprache gelernt hat, kann auf diese Weise auch eine zweite Sprache lernen und zwar mit Leichtigkeit.

Ich unterrichte Deutschstudenten aller Level.

Da es Privatunterricht ist, kann ich voll und ganz auf dich eingehen und den Unterricht so gestalten, wie es für dich am besten ist.

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About me - Sanskrit

This is Sanskrit recitation of Vedic texts. As Sanskrit recitation has a strong effect on the nervous system the lesson is only 30 minutes long. As you progress and grow accustomed to it we can discuss extending it.

Qualifications & Experience

I am trained to recite texts from the Vedas as a Yogi would and want to pass it on.

Teaching Approach

I do not teach the language itself. No vocabulary, no grammar.

What I teach is how to RECITE it in the Indian Yogi kind of way.

I have texts from the Veda that I will recite together with you. I will teach you how to pronounce it and how to “sing” or more accurately “recite” it.

Your life might transform if you choose to learn this. The benefits some people notice include improved concentration, a deeper awareness of themselves and the world, trust and certainty and support of the universe. In other words: things might come your way and manifest themselves joyously.

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About me - Japanese


Qualifications & Experience


Teaching Approach


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About me - French

J'ai appris comment la CIA et le FBI enseignent les langues. C'est une méthode rapide, efficace, facile et il fonctionne comme aucune autre méthode. Je peux vous aider à acquérir plus de compétence de manière efficace. Afin que vous appreniez le français avec joie et confiance.

Je suis une tuteure et une traductrice. Toute ma vie j'ai étudié plusieurs langues dont le japonais et l'espagnol.

Qualifications & Experience

Connaissance et application du système d'enseignement des langues appliqué par les organismes gouvernementaux. Lorsque vous apprenez avec moi, vous comprendrez comment il est possible pour les agents d'apprendre 5 langues ou plus avec peu d'accent.

J'ai enseigné pendant plus de 20 ans à d'innombrable étudiants heureux et réussis.

Je ne suis pas française de naissance. Par conséquent, mes compétences en français ne sont pas parfaites.

Teaching Approach

J'utilise le système de la CIA et du FBI et des livres numérique différents.

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About me - Spanish

Soy una tutora y una traductora. Toda mi vida he estudiado varios idiomas, incluido el japonés, francés y español. Tambien viví en España durante cuatro años.

Qualifications & Experience

Enseñé durante más de 20 años a innumerables estudiantes felices y exitosos.

Sólo enseño español a los principantes. Si está avanzado, le recomiendo que elija otro tutor.

Teaching Approach

Uso el sistema de la CIA y el FBI y los materiales de Internet.

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