Hello, my name is Hana McCourt and I'm an experienced English tutor currently living in the United Kingdom. I have been giving English lessons online with Verbalplanet since 2008. I am currently offering a free initial trial lesson for new students.
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Latest Reviews
Markus80 Germany
Ms McCourt is a motivated and well prepared teacher with her own training material.
Ebtihal-03 Saudi Arabia
She Is a really nice ,, Thanks a lot :)
Lenka V Czech Republic
Hana is great, thank you for that.
About me - English
I graduated from West Bohemian University (Pilsen /Czech Republic) with Master's degree in teaching in 2003. I am a certified teacher of English as a foreign language (TEFL diploma) - Queen's University Belfast. I specialize in English courses for Czech speakers and Czech courses for English speakers. I teach Czech/English to students at elementary, intermediate and advanced level. I enjoy teaching and I hope I will be able to share all my great experience and knowledge with you.
Qualifications & Experience
Hi my name is Hannah I was born in Czech Republic. My native language is Czech. I have been living in Northern Ireland for almost 15 years. I specialize in giving English/Czech lessons to students at all levels and all age groups. I am never far from my computer and will work very flexible hours to suit you. I am going to start with a short questionnaire that would help me find out what motivates you to study English/Czech and what you want to learn. I can then adjust my lessons to suit exactly to your needs. I enjoy teaching languages, traveling and reading and love anything concerning Bohemia. So let's speak Czech!
Teaching Approach
I have prepared professional lessons (Czech/English) in Microsoft Powerpoint. Before each lesson I will send each presentation to your email that you can print it out or have it in front of you during our class. Each presentation/lesson has got about 30 to 60 pages of learning material and you would be able to write down proper pronunciation in your own language. We both - student and teacher - are using a free online program TeamViewer - Student is connecting to my own computer and can see what I open on my own screen. It means while communicating with each other through Skype, we both see the same studying material on our computer screen.
Dobry den, jmenuji se Hana a narodila jsem se v Ceske Republice. Patnact let jiz ziji ve Velke Britanii a Irsku. Specializuji se na anglicke jazykove kurzy pro cesky mluvici studenty a ceske jazykove kurzy pro anglicky mluvici studenty. Jsem casove velice flexibilni. Ucitelstvi je mym povolanim a zaroven konickem a rada bych se tedy s Vami podelila o sve zkusenosti a vedomosti. Zacnu kratkym dotaznikem, abych mela predstavu, co Vas motivuje v uceni se cesky/anglicky a jakou mate uroven/zaklady jazyka. Mohu tedy upravit nase spolecne jazykove lekce primo pro Vas.
Qualifications & Experience
Jsem stredoskolska ucitelka a take mam diplom v Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) z Queen's University Belfast. Mam dlouholete zkusenost v ucitelsvi anglictiny/cestiny jak private, tak on-line.
Teaching Approach
Pripravila jsem jednotlive lekce (cestina/anglictina) v programu Microsoft Powerpoint. Pred kazdou lekci poslu studentovi email s touto prezentaci a student si ji muze vytisknout nebo mit otevrenou na pocitaci behem vyuky. Kazda lekce obsahuje 30 az 60 stran studijniho materialu a student si muze sam psat vyslovnost ve vlastnim jazyce. Zaroven student a ja pouzivame program Team Viewer - ktery umoznuje okamzite spojeni mezi dvema pocitaci. Student se pripojuje na muj pocitaca a vidi presne to, co mam otevrene na svem pocitaci. To znamena, zatimco budeme komunikovat po Skype oba ucitel a student ma pred sebou stejny studijni material na obrazovce.