Marie Lepert : Coreano
Marie Lepert
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£36.72 / €43.58 / $47.47
Prova: 50% Sconto
Sconto fedeltà
 Ciao, mi chiamo Marie Lepert e sono un insegnante esperto di lingua Coreano che attualmente vive in Francia. Insegno Coreano online dal luglio 2024. Attualmente sto offrendo una lezione di prova scontata al 50% sul prezzo normale della lezione per i nuovi studenti. 
Su di me - Inglese

Welcome to my happy lessons ! I believe learning a language, although hard, needs a happy learning environment. As I always smile and bring positivity to the people around me, you'll be able to receive some of it through my lessons.

I love languages, learning new things, nature, and taekwondo. And I also love helping people discover my country, France. Because France is not only Paris ! But whatever your interests are, I am curious about them :).

Qualifiche e esperienza

After more than 10 years working in an international environnement, I have acquired fluency in English (C1) and korean (TOPIK 4), and can help you manage your way through your challenges wether they are about English, French or korean.

I have a teaching certification in French that gives me all the tools to tailor each lesson to your needs and goals. I have been teaching for 1 year now, to students from severals countries (Korea, Peru, Canada...) and know how to find the best way to help you. All my students that have taken an exam got them on their first try.

I am also specialized in tailored classes if you have a specific objective (exam, work, study, science...)

Metodo d'insegnamento

I adapt my teaching to your objectives. If you just want to learn in general, I will use some books. If you have a specific goal like studying in the country or taking an exam, then I will use a lot of different materials. When your level is high enough, I will include real materials used by the natives.

I will challenge you from time to time to do things you will think are too hard. But you will manage to go through it perfectly with my help and see that you can do more than you think !

I also like to include some little games sometimes.

I strongly believe homework is a must if you want to progress. It can be just writting 1 sentence, but just this one sentence will help you learn faster and better.

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