Ciao, mi chiamo Hana Han e sono un insegnante esperto di lingua Coreano che attualmente vive in Finlandia. Insegno Coreano online dal febbraio 2018.
Prenotazione online facile
Prenotare una lezione è facile. Scegli uno dei nostri insegnanti di lingue esperti in base a disponibilità, prezzo, profilo, recensioni degli studenti precedenti e altro ancora.
Analisi e feedback
Ottieni un feedback rapido e una valutazione dei tuoi progressi in ciascuna competenza linguistica. Imparare una lingua è più facile quando si impara in collaborazione.
Inizia oggi
Abbiamo aiutato migliaia di studenti in tutto il mondo a imparare una nuova lingua online e possiamo aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi linguistici.
Su di me - Inglese
안녕하세요. I’m a Korean native speaker with a passion to help people learn the Korean language and spread understanding of the Korean culture. As Korean pop music, movies and dramas are increasing in popularity, I am glad that you have taken the first steps and decided to learn Korean. You will certainly be satisfied with your decision as the Korean culture wave continues to a have greater impact on the world.
As a teacher, my students often express how my smile, patience and teaching methods make it comfortable for them to learn Korean. I consider my students as individuals and concentrate on providing personalised learning experiences. I pursue to challenge my students while encouraging them through the feeling of accomplishment and learning.
Qualifiche e esperienza
I'm a Korean native speaker with 8 years of Korean and English teaching experience, whose passion for teaching sparked while volunteering as an interpreter at international conferences in Geneva.
For example, I taught Korean language for two years to Korean adoptees and foreigners from various cultures and age groups at Green Korean Language School in Korea. As a language instructor, I facilitated the returning and settlement processes of overseas adoptees into the Korean society.
After this, I joined the Koroot agency in Korea for 3 years to teach Korean language to foreigners and help them to understand the Korean culture and immigration related processes.
Lastly, I have been a private Korean and English teacher in Finland for the past 3 years.
Metodo d'insegnamento
Please do not hesitate to schedule a trial session, when we can specify individual learning goals and can get acquainted. I always prepare an individual syllabus based on a student's wishes and needs.