Prof Jaouad : Francese
Prof Jaouad
Lezioni: 546
Ultima classe: 2+ giorni
 31 99% Positivo
£16.77 / €20.27 / $22.07
Prova: 50% Sconto
Sconto fedeltà
 Ciao, mi chiamo Prof Jaouad e sono un insegnante esperto di lingua Francese che attualmente vive in Marocco. Insegno Francese online dal febbraio 2015. Attualmente sto offrendo una lezione di prova scontata al 50% sul prezzo normale della lezione per i nuovi studenti. 
Incontrami su
Ultime Recensioni
tutor Trigthecig
United Kingdom
tutor DJTimmons
 I really enjoy my lessons with Prof Jaouad. We chat in French and he has been teaching me basic Arabic expressions through mini dialogues. He has been very patient and helpful with my pronunciation. I look forward to my future lessons with him. 
tutor DJTimmons
 Nice lesson in French and Arabic. It was exactly what I was hoping for.  
tutor DJTimmons
 He is very patient and helpful with pronunciation in Arabic. I really enjoy his lessons.  
tutor DJTimmons
 I always enjoy my conversations with Prof Jaouad.  
tutor DJTimmons
 Prof Jaouad adapted his lesson to give me exactly what I had hoped for.  
  (31) Recensioni
Su di me - Inglese

🎁🎅Happy Holidays!❄️☃️

😊Let's communicate!😊

My lessons utilize the communicative approach. This means we will use the language in context to express ideas. I teach beginners to advanced. I work with children, teenagers, and adults.

Hello, I am teacher Jaouad from Morocco. I teach Arabic, French and English and other Arabic dialects. I am an easy-going and friendly person. I like to talk about different topics such as travelling, leisure, politics, food, languages, education, economy, etc.I have travelled to the USA and I intend to visit Rome, Paris, and others cities/ countries in the future. I like teaching and learning languages.

Qualifiche e esperienza

I got my Masters in Applied Language Studies from the University of Fez- Morocco. I have a long experience in teaching Arabic for speakers of other languages as well as English and French. I started teaching in 2004. I have taught more than 2000 hours on four online platforms and I am enjoying it.

My hobby is teaching and learning languages, I speak three languages- Arabic, French, and English- and four dialects and I am learning Spanish as well.


-MA in Applied Language Studies and Research in Higher Education.

-Certificate of participation and completion of the Summer Teacher Training Forum under the theme: “Cooperative Learning and Teaching”.

-Certificate of participation and completion of the Language and Cross-Cultural Tutor Workshop

TAFL Certificate: This is a 54-hour training about Teaching Arabic to Speakers of Other Languages- Egypt.

-Certificate of completion of Arabic Online Professional Development, under the theme: “Developing Core Teaching Skills Assessment: Strategises, Styles and Ethics”- California.

Metodo d'insegnamento

I believe that communication is the key to learning a language no matter what the level of the student is. I always encourage my students to speak whether they say it right or wrong.

In my classes, every learner is unique and s/he has the opportunity to talk and express himself/herself in the target language. My teaching approach is simply talk, talk, and talk! It does not matter how you say it, just do it this time, next time you will be better!

Grammar for me comes later! Everybody will participate in our conversations! Do not worry - lessons are fun, interactive and suitable for each one of you!

I teach beginners, intermediate, and advanced. I can't wait to teach you! If you are interested in English, Arabic, or French, book a lesson with me!

I use different teaching tools to make my lessons enjoyable and exciting. For my methodology of teaching, I rely on students’ needs and goals. I also aim at making my students more confident to use the four language skills: speaking, reading, listening and writing. I also focus on conversations and on daily life language.

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Su di me - Arabo

السلام عليكم . أنا الأستاذ جواد من المغرب.أُدرِّسُ اللغة العربية و اللهجات العربية الأخرى.حَصلتُ على شهادة الماجستير في الدراسات التطبيقية للغة من جامعة فاس بالمغرب. لدي خبرة طويلة في تدريس اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها. لقد بدأت التدريس في سنة 2004. لقد قمت بالتدريس في أربع منصات على الإنترنت و بتدريس أكثر من 2000 ساعة حتى الآن وأنا أستمتع بذلك.

هوايتي هي تدريس و تعلم اللغات ،فأنا أتكلم ثلاث لغات العربية و الفرنسية و الإنجليزية و أربع لهجات و أتعلم الأن اللغة الإسبانية كذلك.

أنا شخص بسيط و ودود. أحب أن أتحدث عن مواضيع مختلفة مثل السفر ، والترفيه، والسياسة ، والغذاء ، واللغات ، والتعليم ، والاقتصاد ، إلخ. لقد سافرت إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وأعتزم زيارة روما وباريس ومدن / بلدان أخرى في المستقبل.

أنا أحب تدريس وتعلم اللغات.

Qualifiche e esperienza


MA in Applied Language Studies and

Research in Higher Education

- المخيم اللغوي

Certificate of participation and completion

of the Summer Teacher Training Forum under the theme: “Cooperative Learning and Teaching”

-شهادة منظمة هيئة السلام الامريكية

Certificate of participation and completion of the Language and Cross-Cultural Tutor Workshop

-شهادة تدريس العربية لغير الناطقين بها

TAFL Certificate

This is a 54-hour training about Teaching Arabic to Speakers of Other Languages- Egypt

شهادة تدريب لمدة 54 ساعة

لإعداد معلمي اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها

-شهادة منظمة الدين بكاليفورنيا

Certificate of completion of Arabic Online Professional Development, under the theme: “Developing Core Teaching Skills Assessment: Strategises, Styles and Ethics”.

Winter Session 2018- 15 Hours- Aldeen Foundation Califonia

Metodo d'insegnamento

أعتمد على التواصل و المحادثة أكثر من القواعد

أستخدم وسائل تعليمية مختلفة لأجعل دروسي شيقة ومبهجة

نهجي في التدريس يعتمد على احتياجات الطلاب وأهدافهم. كما أسعى لتحسين ثقة طلابي في استخدام مهارات اللغة الأربعة (التحدث، القراءة، الإستماع والكتابة).و أُركزُ كثيرا على المحادثات و مواقف الحياة اليومي

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Su di me - Francese

Bonjour, je suis professeur Jaouad du Maroc. J'enseigne l'arabe et le francais et d'autres dialectes arabes. Je suis une personne gentille et sympathique. J'aime parler de différents sujets tels que les voyages, les loisirs, la politique, la nourriture, les langues, l'éducation, l'économie, etc.J'ai voyagé aux USA et j'ai l'intention de visiter Rome, Paris et d'autres villes / pays à l'avenir. J'aime enseigner et apprendre des langues.

Qualifiche e esperienza

J'ai obtenu ma maîtrise en études de langues appliquées à l'Université de Fès au Maroc. J'ai une longue expérience dans l'enseignement de l'arabe et le francais pour les locuteurs d'autres langues. J'ai commencé à enseigner en 2004. J'ai enseigné plus de 2 000 heures sur quatre plateformes en ligne et j'en profite.

J'aime l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des langues, Je parle trois langues - l'arabe, le français et l'anglais - et quatre dialectes et j'apprends aussi l'espagnol.

Metodo d'insegnamento

Je crois que la communication est la clé de l'apprentissage d'une langue quel que soit le niveau de l'étudiant. J'encourage toujours mes étudiants à parler.

Dans mes cours, chaque apprenant est unique et il a la possibilité de parler et de s'exprimer dans la langue cible. Mon approche pédagogique consiste simplement à parler, parler et parler! Peu importe comment vous le dites, faites-le cette fois-ci, la prochaine fois vous serez mieux!

La grammaire pour moi vient plus tard! Tout le monde participera à nos conversations! Ne vous inquiétez pas, les leçons sont amusantes, interactives et adaptées à chacun d'entre vous!

J'enseigne les débutants, intermédiaires et avancés. J'ai hâte de t'apprendre! Si vous êtes intéressé par l'anglais, l'arabe ou le français, réservez une leçon avec moi!

J'utilise différents outils pédagogiques pour rendre mes leçons agréables et excitantes. Pour ma méthodologie d'enseignement, je compte sur les besoins et les objectifs des élèves. Je vise également à rendre mes étudiants plus confiants pour utiliser les quatre compétences linguistiques: parler, lire, écouter et écrire. Je me concentre également sur les conversations et sur le langage de la vie quotidienne.

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