Gergana Ivanova : Bulgaro
Gergana Ivanova
Bulgaro Nativo
Lezioni: 1
 Nessun Dato
£22.35 / €26.78 / $29.17
Prova: 50% Sconto
Sconto fedeltà
 Ciao, mi chiamo Gergana Ivanova e sono un insegnante esperto di lingua Bulgaro che attualmente vive in Bulgaria. Insegno Bulgaro online dal ottobre 2022. Attualmente sto offrendo una lezione di prova scontata al 50% sul prezzo normale della lezione per i nuovi studenti. 
Su di me - Inglese

A young, experienced teacher and translator (3 years+) in Bulgarian, German, Japanese and English.

I have been keen on studying multiple languages for as long as I can recall - among others, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Ancient Bulgarian, Ancient Japanese etc.

Qualifiche e esperienza

Graduated Sofia University with a Bachelor’s degree in Japanese Studies. Studied at the German Language High School in Sofia. Both of which are known to be the most prestigious educational institutions in Bulgaria.

Acquired Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom C1 in German and C2 CPE in English.

Further studied Ancient Bulgarian, as well as Ancient Japanese.

Currently teaching and translating to and from Japanese and German.

Metodo d'insegnamento

I believe in teaching with kindness and understanding for the student’s difficulties.

My approach is marked by professionalism, steadiness, light-heartedness and support for my students.

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