Suse Guilherme : Portugués - Europa
Suse Guilherme
Portugués - Europa Native
Clases: 219
Última clase: 2+ dias
 7 100% Positiva
£29.53 / €35.18 / $38.32
Prueba: 50% Descuento
 Hola, mi nombre es Suse Guilherme y soy un tutor de Portugués - Europa con experiencia que actualmente vive en Francia. He estado enseñando Portugués - Europa en línea desde enero 2020. Actualmente estoy ofreciendo una lección de prueba con un 50% de descuento en el precio de mi lección normal para los nuevos estudiantes. 
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Mi último reseñas
tutor bhedberg
 Suse is an excellent teacher and is helping me have conversations in Portuguese. I enjoy talking with her about all sorts of topics as well as having conversations imagining we're in Portuguese stores and restaurants. 
tutor bhedberg
 I enjoyed my lesson with Suse. She is very patient and lets me speak at my own slow pace. Even though I'm a beginner, she helped me have a conversation about interesting things and not just "hi, how are you" beginner-level topics. I look forward to my next lesson with her! 
tutor mattcohen313
 Suse is an excellent tutor! She is responsive and flexible, and has on several occasions devoted time outside of class to provide me extra material or do some research for me. She has really helped me with my pronunciation, which I am confident will help me avoid frustration as I use my Portuguese in the real world. 
tutor romakpv1
United Kingdom
 Suse is an amazing tutor! I was with Suse for a few months and felt that I learnt so much in that time. She has so much knowledge about the Portuguese language and always takes the time to make sure you understand why things are said a certain way. She is very patient and fun, and I always felt excited to learn more after a lesson. I would highly recommend Suse!  
tutor Matt S
United Kingdom
 Suse was great, super friendly, patient and made concepts clear to me that I had been struggling with for some time! Thank you! 
tutor Shaylynn N
 I really enjoy Suse as my Portuguese language teacher. She is very friendly, fun, and I like her teaching techniques. I never feel scared or nervous to ask questions. She always makes sure that I can always ask questions and never feel embarrassed to do so. We go over things I may not understand. Overall, she is a great teacher and I would highly recommend her to other people who are trying to learn a new language.  
  (7) Reseñas
Acerca de mí - Inglés

Hello, my name is Suse Guilherme, I'm 28 years old, I'm Portuguese and I recently moved to Grenoble, France.

I am fluent in English, I have extensive knowledge of Chinese-Mandarin and I am learning French.

One of my biggest dreams from a very early age is to travel and see the world, a dream that I have been realizing step by step.

These trips have also served to endow me with multicultural awareness and to create respect for people and cultures geographically and culturally distant from mine.

And this is how I present myself to you: a person prepared for challenges, a lover of languages ​​and cultures who wants to convey the beauty of them.

I love to read and share this passion with others!

Certificaciones y experiencia

After finishing my degree in Portuguese-Chinese Translation and Interpretation, I became a teacher of Portuguese as a Foreign Language. I taught Portuguese at a company based in Lisbon, specialized in teaching Portuguese to students of Chinese nationality.

For the past three years, I have been a teacher at the Chengdu Institute of Sichuan International Studies University (四川 外国语 大学 成都 学院), China. It was during this time I discovered my passion for teaching. I taught several classes as speaking, history, extensive reading, pronunciation, and so on, which prepared me for any challenge you might propose to me.

After return to Europe, I started to give online classes.

Método de enseñanza

Throughout my experience as a teacher, I understood that learning a language can't be forced. Language learning is an individual process and should take place as naturally as possible for those who learn it.

Classes will be taught according to your level and prepared exclusively to meet your expectations and goals, in a relaxed and conducive environment for communication.

I'm available to teach not only Portuguese language classes but also History, culture and other subjects you may have interest in.

The main goal is that the student has fun in each class.

Book a lesson with me to learn a language and experience a culture! I'm waiting for you!

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Acerca de mí - Portugués - Europa

Olá! Chamo-me Suse, tenho 28 anos, sou portuguesa e mudei-me recentemente para Grenoble, França.

Sou fluente em inglês, tenho vastos conhecimentos de chinês-mandarim e estou a aprender francês.

Um dos meus maiores sonhos desde muito cedo é viajar e conhecer o mundo, sonho que tenho vindo a realizar aos poucos. Essas viagens têm servido também para me dotarem de uma consciência multicultural e criar um respeito pelas pessoas e culturas geográfica e culturalmente distante da minha. E é dessa forma que me apresento: uma pessoa preparada para desafios, amante de línguas e culturas que pretende transmitir a beleza das mesmas.

Adoro ler e partilhar essa paixão com os outros!

Certificaciones y experiencia

Após terminar a minha licenciatura em Tradução e Interpretação Português-Chinês, tornei-me professora de Português Língua Estrangeira (PLE). Dei aulas de PLE numa empresa sediada em Lisboa, especializada no ensino de português a alunos de nacionalidade chinesa.

Nos últimos três anos fui leitora no Instituto de Chengdu da Universidade de Estudos Internacionais de Sichuan (四川外国语大学成都学院), China. Foi durante este período que descobri a minha paixão pelo ensino de português. Dei diversas aulas como oralidade, História, leitura extensiva, pronúncia, etc, o que me preparou para qualquer desafio que me possa propôr.

Após regressar à Europa, comecei a dar aulas online.

Método de enseñanza

Ao longo da minha experiência como professora, entendi que a aprendizagem de uma língua não pode ser forçada. A aprendizagem de uma língua é assim um processo individual e deve decorrer de forma o mais natural possível para quem a aprende.

As aulas serão estarão de acordo com o teu nível e serão preparadas para atingir as tuas expectativas e os teus objetivos, num ambiente descontraído e propício à comunicação.

Estou disponível para lecionar aulas não só de língua portuguesa como de História, cultura e outros temas em que possas ter interesse.

O objetivo é o aluno divertir-se em cada aula.

Reserva a tua aula comigo para aprender uma língua e descobrir uma cultura! Estou à tua espera!

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Acerca de mí - Chino Mandarín

您好,我叫Suse Guilherme,我28岁,我是葡萄牙人,我最近搬到了法国格勒诺布尔。






Certificaciones y experiencia




Método de enseñanza






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