Lina Sven : Croata
Lina Sven
Croata Native
Clases: 0
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£36.72 / €43.58 / $47.47
Prueba: 50% Descuento
 Hola, mi nombre es Lina Sven y soy un tutor de Croata con experiencia que actualmente vive en Croacia. He estado enseñando Croata en línea desde octubre 2022. Actualmente estoy ofreciendo una lección de prueba con un 50% de descuento en el precio de mi lección normal para los nuevos estudiantes. 
Acerca de mí - Inglés

Hi there! My name is Lina, and I'm a Chinese language teacher, translator and language consultant. I'm also an avid language learner, and apart from speaking Croatian, which is my mother tongue, I'm also fluent in English, Chinese and French, and I have some basic knowledge of German and Japanese. I have been teaching languages professionally since 2008, mostly in higher education, and I've been teaching Croatian and Chinese online since 2014. In my lessons I offer a customized learning experience which helps learners learn their chosen language quickly. I invite you to realize your language potential and join my lessons!

Certificaciones y experiencia

I'm highly experienced language specialist with natural ability for helping guide learners through complex language learning.

My initial interest in languages started early on in high school when I discovered and started learning English, French and German language.

Fast-forward a few years and I was picking linguistics as my major at university with the main focus on Chinese language.

After graduation I continued my education, and I have earned my Master's Degree in literature.

Método de enseñanza

Since each person has different reasons and goals for learning a new language, in my lessons I focus on tailoring individual language learning to suit the needs and requirements of the learner. In my lessons I help you create realistic language learning goals, and guide you through your language learning process.

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Aprenda un nuevo idioma en línea hoy

Profesores de habla nativa

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