Tú Mai : Vietnamesisch
Tú Mai
Vietnamesisch Native
Klassen: 0
 Keine Daten
£21.17 / €25.41 / $27.67
Probe: Kostenlos
 Hallo, mein Name ist Tú Mai und ich bin ein erfahrener Vietnamesisch lehrer, der derzeit in Vietnam lebt. Ich unterrichte Vietnamesisch seit Juni 2024. Ich biete derzeit eine kostenlose erste Probestunde für neue Schüler. 
Über mich - Englisch

Hi there! My name is Tú. I have been living in Saigon since I was a kid, so my accent is mostly Southern accent. However, I also know Northern accent, so I can tell you the differences between the two accents. I'm studying to receive my degree in language education, and have had teaching experiences in both English and Vietnamese since 2020. I love helping people reach their language goals. As a language learner myself, I can understand the struggles and I will support you to gain motivation in learning English and Vietnamese.

I'm a friendly person, everyone is welcomed as long as you have learning desire. I will create the most comfortable atmosphere and walk this path with you!

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

I have teaching experiences in English for 4 years (both in English centers and teaching online) and Vietnamese for 3 years (online teaching) with both children and adults. I also helped my foreigner friends to improve their Vietnamese. I know the tips that can assist you with your pronunciation and tell you the differences between English and Vietnamese.

We can practice making conversations in English or Vietnamese on various topics. If you want to improve your grammar and writing skill, it would be my pleasure to assist you through your language learning journey!


My lessons are structured based on my students' needs, and I would encourage students to speak during the lesson. I accept students from beginner level to advanced level, and offer a wide range of material for students to practice if requested. For online teaching, I use both Skype and Zoom to assist my lessons! However, I think Zoom would be much more effective for learning because my students will be able to interact on the screen ^_^

My teaching material:

PDF files

Text documents

Image files

Power point

Audio files

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