Zeeshan Mujtaba : Urdu
Zeeshan Mujtaba
Urdu Native
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£16.77 / €20.27 / $22.07
Probe: Kostenlos
 Hallo, mein Name ist Zeeshan Mujtaba und ich bin ein erfahrener Urdu lehrer, der derzeit in Pakistan lebt. Ich unterrichte Urdu seit November 2023. Ich biete derzeit eine kostenlose erste Probestunde für neue Schüler. 
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Über mich - Englisch


Hope you're having a good day.

I'm Zeeshan Mujtaba and hail from Pakistan. My educational background includes Cambridge O Level (from Pakistan), Edexcel A Level (from United Arab Emirates), and a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry (McGill University, Canada). Because of having studied in multiple countries, I got the chance to put my English to the test, and with time, it became my second native language.

Life really is a rollercoaster, and despite all the best laid plans, it takes unexpected turns. I've learned that one has to ride the wave.

I began my professional career as a middle school English teacher - trust me, I did not see that coming (though I did learn it's a rather common theme for English teachers). But, I did take it as an opportunity, and 6 years later, I formally teach Cambridge O Level English at school, and general English Language in my own time.

Having a science background certainly helps. That, coupled with the experience and skills gained from travelling abroad help me staying up to date with what's going on around the world, and I can talk to my students about more than just the nitty gritty grammar.

English is a language, and as such, is not restricted to any field. English is everywhere! And knowing it can help us reach places we wouldn't have thought about.

So come along and join me. I'm certain we'll make a great team.

I look forward to doing English with you.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

Cambridge O Level (Science)

Edexcel A Level (Science)

B.Sc Biochemistry (McGill University, Canada)

TEFL Certification - The TEFL Academy

CiSELT (Certificate in Secondary English Language Teaching) Advanced - British Council

IELTS Academic - Overall band 8.5 (CEFR level C2)

Various English teaching courses - British Council

6+ years experience teaching English formally at school and private tutoring.


The approach to teaching English really depends on what we're trying to achieve. There's no one approach that's a sure fire win. The student and teacher work together and adopt an approach that works for them. Depending on the lesson, text resources, live explanation, sample work and videos can be used to cover the topic. Practicing a topic through the four language skill helps cement it for use, and to build upon for growth.

The most effective approach to teaching and learning any language, however, is to experience it.

It's important for the teacher to initially explain how things are done, but then let the student take the wheel and work things out through practice and trial & error. The teacher is always there to lend a helping hand, highlighting areas that need improvement, reinforcing concepts, suggesting new ideas and approaches, and cheering for the student throughout.

It's the student-teacher dynamic duo that can make results happen.

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