Aisha Ahmad : Urdu
Aisha Ahmad
Urdu Native
Klassen: 0
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£19.41 / €23.35 / $25.43
Probe: 50% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Aisha Ahmad und ich bin ein erfahrener Urdu lehrer, der derzeit in Pakistan lebt. Ich unterrichte Urdu seit Oktober 2023. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 50% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
Über mich - Englisch

I'm thrilled to be your Urdu teacher. My name is Aisha and live Punjab, Pakistan. I did masters in Arts with major in Islamic Studies. I have three years experience in teaching Urdu and Islamic studies are school level.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

I've been teaching for three years, and my areas of expertise are Islamic studies and the Urdu language. I'm committed to helping my students develop a thorough understanding of these topics. My inclusive and engaging teaching style encourages respect for values as well as cultural sensitivity while promoting learning ability for the students learning Urdu. I want to encourage a passion for Urdu and its heritage while making difficult concepts understandable to students of all levels.


Being a native speaker is not enough to make things easier for students and guarantee their learning so I have come up with easy tips, tricks, formulas, examples and ways after doing thorough research in Urdu language and reading a lot of books Therefore, I'm able to make learning Urdu faster, easier, and more fun for you than the usual learning ways.

If you don't want to learn writing but only want to become fluent in Urdu conversation because Urdu is your partner’s language and your friends talk in Urdu, then I can focus on oral communication. I can plan our conversation according to your routine, job and environment so you can relate Urdu with your daily life.

I will provide you with the feedback required to improve your language proficiency because I am understanding and easy to talk to. I enjoy having conversations about a variety of topics, including literature, the arts, food, travel, and culture. I like meeting new people. In addition, I am adaptable when planning my lessons.

Although, I have never taught Punjabi at institute level, but I can apply same techniques to make Punjabi learn through fun.

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