Natthinee Mohr : Thai
Natthinee Mohr
Thai Native
Klassen: 0
 Keine Daten
£22.35 / €26.78 / $29.17
Probe: Kostenlos
 Hallo, mein Name ist Natthinee Mohr und ich bin ein erfahrener Thai lehrer, der derzeit in Brasilien lebt. Ich unterrichte Thai seit August 2024. Ich biete derzeit eine kostenlose erste Probestunde für neue Schüler. 
Über mich - Englisch

Hi my name is Nat. I was born and raised in Bangkok. I have been living in various countries such as U.A.E, (Dubai), Germany and now Brazil. My most extensive working experience was working as a cabin crew member (9 years). Thanks to my wanderlust, I have been to over 80 countries.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

I graduated from the University of Hamburg with a Master's degree in Languages and Cultures of Southeast Asia, major in Thai studies. During the semesters and after graduation I have been teaching Thai language in private and also stood in as a substitute teacher at the German Adult Education Centre (VHS) in Hamburg.


With a passion for languages and a wealth of cultural experiences, I'll guide you on an exciting journey of learning Thai. As a former cabin crew member and language graduate, I bring a unique perspective to our lessons. Together, we'll unlock the beauty and intricacies of Thai language and culture. You could design your Thai course in your own pace!!

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