Alexander Bychkov : Russisch
Alexander Bychkov
Russisch Native
Klassen: 3485
Letzte klasse: 2+ tage
 400 100% Positiv
£20.29 / €24.38 / $26.55
Probe: 50% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Alexander Bychkov und ich bin ein erfahrener Russisch lehrer, der derzeit in Russische Föderation lebt. Ich unterrichte Russisch seit April 2009. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 50% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
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Mein aktuelles Feedback
tutor ScottFoster
 Excellent for vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and subject matter. No Dispute. Why is it highlighted in blue? 
tutor ScottFoster
 Another excellent lesson with Alexander. He has a first rate knowledge of words, phrases and grammar, and is both enthusiastic and well-informed on matters ranging from history to current affairs, culture and sport. When reading a text, he will often explain the grammatical form and derivation of words and provide examples of phrases in which they are used. If you are looking for a Russian language teacher, give him a try.  
tutor JasperV87
United Kingdom
 Excellent class, very interesting resources.  
tutor JasperV87
United Kingdom
 Excellent lesson 
tutor JasperV87
United Kingdom
tutor kitz71
United Kingdom
 Though I was extremely nervous, Alexander just encouraged me the whole way through. I am looking forward to my future lessons.  
  (400) Bewertungen
Über mich - Englisch

I’m 50 and that usually implies quite big life experience and level of wisdom. I hope that’s really so in my case.

I’m married with two daughters and a son. My older daughter successfully did her after graduate course in Moscow State university and our youngest son is 4 years old. And this adds some more life experience, right?

I was born and brought up in the Southern Kazakhstan, graduated from a pedagogical university and lived for 20 years in Bashkortostan (central Russia, the Urals). I served in the army for 1.5 year in Poland. Now I’m living in a city next to Volgograd. This is my life geography.

I appreciate a good sense of humor in people. I love thinking and talking about life in general and detail, reading something from outstanding philosophers and trying to philosophize.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

I graduated from a pedagogical institute in Ufa in 1988. After my graduation, I taught Russian and World History, and English as a foreign language for a while but then focused on English only. I’ve been teaching children (6 year-olds and up) and adults (different levels of language skills) with equal success.

I’ve been teaching English and Russian on-line since June 2008 and gained a lot of useful experience working with Brazilians and Frenchmen, Spanish, Arabian, Ukrainian, British and many other cultures. In 2011, I did a course of teaching Russian as a foreign language in Moscow State University (Lomonosov) and since then I've been more successful in teaching my native, Russian language.

I’ll be happy to share my knowledge and experience in learning and using those two different but both rich and strong languages (by the way, they have lots in common).


70 to 90 per cent of my efforts in teaching I devote to improving my students’ vocabulary in communication, doing exercises and getting acquainted with live modern (web ‘newspapers’ and ‘magazines’) and classical language samples.

I teach everyday English and Russian as well as business English.

I work much with sound files to develop listening skills, which usually are most problematic for native Russian as well as native English speakers.

English grammar usually appears to be a smaller problem comparing with the former aspects of the languages but in the case of Russian grammar gets much bigger place, similarly to pronunciation.

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Über mich - Russisch

Мне 50, что предполагает немалый жизненный опыт и мудрость. Надеюсь, что так оно и есть.

Я родился и вырос в Казахстане, получил высшее педагогическое образование и прожил 20 лет в Башкирии. Сейчас живу рядом с Волгоградом. В армии служил в Польше. Вот моя география.

Ценю людей с хорошим чувством юмора. Люблю поразмышлять и поговорить о жизни - пофилософствовать, так сказать.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

Закончил пединститут в 1988 и с тех пор обучаю людей английскому и истории.

Одинаково успешно работал и с детьми с 6-летнего возраста, и со взрослыми людьми с разным уровнем знаний английского языка (от начального до продвинутого). Могу оказать значительную помощь в освоении технического и бизнес английского.


С июня 2008 преподаю онлайн. Обучал бразильцев, арабов, французов, испанцев, украинцев, британцев, японцев, корейцев и представителей других национальностей. Обучал и русскому и английскому, приобрел немалый и довольно успешный опыт.

Буду счастлив поделиться знаниями и опытом с Вами.

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