Raluca Hatman : Rumänisch
Raluca Hatman
Rumänisch Native
Klassen: 20
Letzte klasse: 2+ tage
 2 100% Positiv
£31.93 / €37.98 / $41.37
Probe: Kostenlos
 Hallo, mein Name ist Raluca Hatman und ich bin ein erfahrener Rumänisch lehrer, der derzeit in Niederlande lebt. Ich unterrichte Rumänisch seit Mai 2015. Ich biete derzeit eine kostenlose erste Probestunde für neue Schüler. 
Mein aktuelles Feedback
tutor jodyleedrafta
United States
 I continue to have very good lessons with Raluca. She is very thorough and thoughtful in the way she teaches. I appreciate it.  
tutor jodyleedrafta
United States
 Raluca is well-prepared, thorough and has a good approach which is built around the student. I look forward to continuing Romanian study with her. 
Über mich - Englisch

Hello all!

My name is Raluca Hatman and I am a native Romanian and German speaker, originally coming from a beautiful small city in Transylvania: Sibiu. Search it on Google, it is your first task as my potential future student.

I have studied my whole life foreign languages in different contexts and consciously surrounded myself with foreign people or exposed myself to foreign countries, cultures, even foreign organizational cultures.

Everything foreign was appealing to me, so I pursued a path that offered international exposure. After completing my studies in Business Administration in German language in Bucharest, I have continued my studies in Amsterdam and lived for some time in Berlin afterwards.

Currently I settled down in the cosmopolite Amsterdam, where half of the population is international. Here I am working as a Business Analyst for a Japanese company.

I am a natural communicator and benefit a lot from speaking foreign languages in my work environment.

I have chosen to join Verbal Planet, because I am passionate about my home country and because I want to discover together with you, my future students, the beauties and flaws of Romania, way beyond the myth of Dracula.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

Two types of activities qualify me for being your tutor: I am an authorized translator and interpreter for Romanian-German and a private teacher for the same languages, for probably 15 years already.

My extensive experience with translating and interpreting from/to Romanian-German has its beginnings in my early youth, when I was being the interpreter for my parents and our German family friends (to be), during holidays in Germany. I would say passions start when we’re young.

In time I have become an authorized translator and interpreter and have been active in several industries.

Besides this, I have mentored children and adults along their way to learn Romanian or German in different set ups and by using different teaching methods: children summer camps organized in Romania; private language classes for exam preparations, professional trainings for people aiming to increase the level of their language skills for pursuing jobs.


The method I use for teaching depends of course on your current level and the objective we establish together. The lessons should be about your needs and wishes.

I like engaging images, stories and newspaper articles in my materials.

I am also a big fan of grammar, but I know for sure that it will not help you right away, if you are about to just start your journey with learning Romanian. So we will keep the grammar rules to a minimum at the beginning.

Also you will have to complete home-works, which we will check at the beginning of every new lesson, as a recap of the previous one. "Repetitia e mama invataturii".

Looking forward to our journey together!

Kind Regards,


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