Joanna Chmielik : Polnisch
Joanna Chmielik
Polnisch Native
Klassen: 0
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£24.69 / €29.52 / $32.15
Probe: 60% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Joanna Chmielik und ich bin ein erfahrener Polnisch lehrer, der derzeit in Polen lebt. Ich unterrichte Polnisch seit Juni 2024. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 60% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
Über mich - Englisch

Hi, my name is Joanna, and the abbreviation of my name is Asia. I am studying two majors now - English philology with German and Business Psychology. I have been teaching Polish and English to my wonderful students for three years now. My passion is sports, mainly running, swimming and yoga. I love to travel, meet new people and places. I am interested in human psychology and read many books related to it.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

I have been teaching Polish and English for three years, which has become my passion. As I mentioned earlier, I'm studying English and German and business psychology, and the knowledge I'm gaining now really helps me with tutoring. I also wrote my high school diploma in Polish and English with a very good result. The thought of teaching came to my mind because I wanted to help people learn these languages and make them easier than they seem. I am a person with a positive attitude towards others, which is why I guarantee a great atmosphere during my lessons. I am patient and understanding in teaching. I'll show you that with a little willingness, learning languages doesn't have to be as difficult as it seems. I would like to teach them in such a way that it makes you happy, and above all, that you get the most out of the lesson.


I teach Polish and English from the basics to the C2 level. I have all my own materials, so you don't have to buy anything unless you want to. I always set a teaching plan depending on what level you are at and what learning method is best for you. If you don't know anything and are just starting your language adventure - don't worry, I will present you with a teaching plan. If you already know how to speak and have some knowledge, our lesson will be more extended.

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