Joanna Ch : Norwegisch
Joanna Ch
Klassen: 15
Letzte klasse: 2+ tage
 1 100% Positiv
£46.30 / €54.78 / $59.67
Probe: 50% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Joanna Ch und ich bin ein erfahrener Norwegisch lehrer, der derzeit in Polen lebt. Ich unterrichte Norwegisch seit September 2022. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 50% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
Mein aktuelles Feedback
tutor annkathrinzie
 Ich freue mich jedes Mal auf den Unterricht mit Joanna. Sie bringt mir Norwegisch auf Deutsch bei, Ich sehe nach kurzer Zeit schon die ersten Fortschritte bei mir. Ich freu mich auf die nächsten Unterrichtsstunden! Tusen Takk :) 
Über mich - Englisch

I believe that every language you speak teaches you to view the world through a different lens. I see language learning as the best exercise for my brain. As a teenager, I could spend hours finding new materials to learn German. Then I was obsessed with Scandinavia and mastered Norwegian. I have travelled and lived abroad for many years and I love learning about new cultures, getting to know new people and exploring new places.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

I am a language tutor with many years of experience. I started already in high school, helping other kids to learn German. Once I mastered German, I decided to learn another language, so I started Scandinavian Studies with a specialisation in the Norwegian language at the University of Gdansk (Poland) and the University College in Telemark (Norway). I have a Bachelor's Degree in Scandinavian Studies. I have also lived and worked in Norway, which allowed me to further improve my Norwegian and get familiar with different dialects.


During my online classes, I take into account students' goals and priorities: if you want to focus on conversations - I will prepare conversations on topics that interest you. If you struggle with grammar - I will find exercises that help you understand it better. For me, language learning is fun and I try to make my lessons as exciting as possible so the learning process feels easier and more effective.

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