Takako T : Japanisch
Takako T
Japanisch Native
Klassen: 2514
Letzte klasse: 2+ tage
 333 100% Positiv
£29.97 / €35.69 / $38.87
Probe: 50% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Takako T und ich bin ein erfahrener Japanisch lehrer, der derzeit in Neuseeland lebt. Ich unterrichte Japanisch seit November 2013. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 50% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
Mein aktuelles Feedback
tutor Nico B
United States
 Takako-Sensei was an amazing teacher before when I took lessons, and is still an absolutely amazing teacher now!!! Despite having a few years between my last lesson, we were able to jump right into it and connect through Japanese!!! Highly recommend, Takako-sensei is always willing to help you figure out how you learn Japanese, and makes the lessons fun and engaging!  
tutor Emma R
 Great conversation lesson. Thank you for correcting my Japanese and answering my questions. 
tutor Emma R
 I learnt lots of new words and Takako types the correct way of writing so I can remember. A very enjoyable lesson. 
tutor Emma R
 レッスンはとても楽しかったです。 多くのことについて話しました。 私はたくさんの新しい単語を学びました。 たかこさん、ありがとうございました。 A very fun and enjoyable lesson. We spoke about many topics. I learnt lots of new vocabulary. Thank you Takako. 
tutor Emma R
 A great conversation class today. Thank you for the corrections and new words. Always a very enjoyable lesson. Thank you. 今日は素晴らしい会話のレッスンでした。 訂正と新しい言葉をありがとう。 いつもとても楽しいレッスンです。ありがとうございます。 
tutor Emma R
 A very enjoyable lesson. 
  (333) Bewertungen
Über mich - Englisch

Hello everyone!

I am a native Japanese speaker currently living in New Zealand. I am a highly qualified language teacher with over 25 years of experience in Japan and New Zealand. I am confident in providing quality lessons you will enjoy! I love arts, music and dance. I am a Master of Ikebana, used to play the guitar and double bass in an orchestra.

I look forward to offering enjoyable lessons!

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung


・Master of Arts (Hons) (Masters), New Zealand

・Graduate Diploma of Teaching (secondary), New Zealand

・Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test Pass, Japan

・Japanese Language Education Course completed, Japan

・Bachelor of Arts (Bachelors), Japan


I have been teaching Japanese at schools (Japanese language schools in Japan, secondary and intermediate schools in New Zealand) for over 25 years. As for NCEA , I have taught up to scholarship level with great success. I have created numerous NCEA materials and published NCEA textbooks.

I have a wide variety of teaching and coaching experience including Japanese speech contests (many winners), JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test), AP test, JET programme and creating online interactive language resources. It has been my pleasure to assist my students to improve their Japanese language skills and to enjoy Japanese culture further, and also to talk about their own passion and/or work in the target language.

In addition to Japanese, I would like to teach English as well. At schools in New Zealand, I have taught English to non-native English speakers and was in charge of the Department of International students. I would be happy to help native Japanese speakers to practise English before they actually communicate with native English speakers. Especially, if you are visiting New Zealand, I can also provide useful information on the life, culture, school and much more in this country through English lessons.


- consider each student's goals and interests.

- encouraging, well prepared, give constructive advice and suggestions, help students to increase their confidence in communicating in Japanese!

Please note:

lesson cancellation --> If you need to cancel a lesson, please inform me as soon as possible. If a cancellation is made within 24 hours prior to the lesson, full lesson fee will be charged.

lesson fees --> I am happy to offer extra assistance so that you can improve your Japanese quickly and efficiently. However, in case the outside-lesson assistance requires more than 10 minutes outside lesson time (e.g. lesson preparation, marking, research, translation etc.), extra lesson fee will be charged. Please inquire in advance, if you have any questions.

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Über mich - Japanisch


日本語教師歴が二十五年以上になりました、指導経験豊富な、日本語教師です。生徒さん一人ひとりの目的、興味、レベルを考慮した、楽しく役立つレッスンを 責任を持ってご提供いたします。

こちらの学校では 日本語だけでなく、地理、社会、IT、ESOL(英語)、それにダンスも教えてきましたので、英語を勉強したい方も、ぜひ、ご連絡ください。旅行、テスト、留学、ビジネスなど、目的にあったレッスンをさせていただきます。 

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung


- マッセー大学 修士課程修了(優等) 

- マッセー大学 高校教員養成課程修了

- 東北大学 学士課程修了

- NZ高校教員資格

- 日本語教育能力検定試験合格

- 日本語教師養成講座修了


- 日本語 -

日本では日本語学校で、ニュージーランドでは 中学校、高校で 日本語を指導。

NZ全国試験用の問題集等を 出版。


日本語能力検定試験等の各種語学試験・テスト、スピーチコンテストの指導でも 実績多。

- 英語 - (日本語に加え、初級・中級の英語も教えます。)




-  一人ひとりの 学習目的、興味等を考慮し、親切、丁寧に指導させていただきます。

-  レッスンの積み重ねで 効果的に語学が上達し、自信をもって 楽しくコミュニケーションできるようになることを目指します。

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