Alla Ageeva : Finnisch
Alla Ageeva
Finnisch Native
Klassen: 1
 Keine Daten
£22.35 / €26.78 / $29.17
Probe: Kostenlos
 Hallo, mein Name ist Alla Ageeva und ich bin ein erfahrener Finnisch lehrer, der derzeit in Finnland lebt. Ich unterrichte Finnisch seit Januar 2025. Ich biete derzeit eine kostenlose erste Probestunde für neue Schüler. 
Über mich - Englisch

Hello! Very nice to see you here. I am a Finnish teacher online. One of my passions is teaching process and a Finnish language :) I am a bilingual in two languages: Finnish and Russian. So if you wish to learn Russian as well, I am here to assist you. I work as a bookkeeper in a Finnish business consulting company. The language of my private life and work life is Finnish, which I have used since teenager time (15 y.o.) I am a very sensitive person in terms of teaching process and I always want my learners to find their pleasant way to achieve their goals on this challenging path. See you soon!

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

Haaga-Helia university, Financial Management, 2018-2022

Thesis is written in Finnish


Let's find out what is the best way for you to learn this beautiful language :)

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