Bengali Native
Klassen: 57
Letzte klasse: 2+ tage
 7 100% Positiv
£30.85 / €36.72 / $39.99
Probe: Kostenlos
 Hallo, mein Name ist SANTANU RAY und ich bin ein erfahrener Bengali lehrer, der derzeit in Indien lebt. Ich unterrichte Bengali seit Februar 2018. Ich biete derzeit eine kostenlose erste Probestunde für neue Schüler. 
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Mein aktuelles Feedback
tutor amitabh94
United Kingdom
 Progress is being made slowly. Being more regular with classes would help me and I will try to do so. 
tutor amitabh94
United Kingdom
 It is very pleasing to see how one doubt can lead to many new words and sentences. 
tutor amitabh94
United Kingdom
 Best way to learn is by asking doubts and knowing what not to learn. 
tutor amitabh94
United Kingdom
 I am able to see a gradual growth in my spoken Bengali. That is a big plus, and I can see the eventual growth that I'd get after 2 weeks 
tutor amitabh94
United Kingdom
 There isn't much to say. He has been extremely helpful and engaging, once again. 
tutor amitabh94
United Kingdom
 Yet another great session. Very welcoming. Tutor seems more interested in my progress than myself. I'm very pleased. 
  (7) Bewertungen
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